NETWORK 18 MEDIA : Update on the Composite Scheme of Arrangement among e- Limited (“E18”) and its holders and creditors &
TV18 Broadcast Limited (“TV18”) and its holders and creditors & Network18 Media & Investments Limited ( “Network18”) #Financial #FinancialNews live
Govt has granted its approval for transfer of Licenses relating to News & Current Affairs TV channels held by TV18 to the Company as per the Scheme. NETWORK 18 MEDIA : Update on the Composite Scheme of Arrangement among e- Limited (“E18”) and its holders and creditors &
TV18 Broadcast Limited (“TV18”) and its holders and creditors & Network18 Media & Investments Limited ( “Network18”) #Financial #FinancialNews live
Govt has granted its approval for transfer of Licenses relating to News & Current Affairs TV channels held by TV18 to the Company as per the Scheme.